Safety Management Documentation
Learn about our health and safety (WHS) systems expertise and find out how the right WHS management documentation can raise your quality and WHS game, as well as morale and your bottom line. Take the hard work – and guesswork – out of health and safety management.
WHS systems

Safety Audits
Often, workplace health and safety (WHS) audits are seen as a necessary evil. But in fact, when they’re done right, a single WHS audit can open the door to a whole host of smarter, bottom-line boosting business decisions. So, wake up and smell the WHS coffee. Give your business a safety-audit caffeine injection.
Safety auditing

Risk Assessments
When you understand the health and safety risks in your workplace, you can take straightforward steps to mitigate or eliminate them, safeguarding your people, reputation and productivity. Learn how our subject matter experts will shed light on your operational risks, so your people can shine.
Risk assessments

Incident Investigations
When a workplace safety incident occurs, a culture of blame can emerge and hamstring your business. To minimise the human, business and reputational cost, you need to investigate and act. Quickly. Professionally. Objectively. Discover how our specialist investigators can help.
Safety investigations

On-Demand Safety Consultants
Perhaps you need to whip your WHS into shape, but you’re not sure what that shape looks like. Or you need to get the ball rolling but you need more hands pushing. Our on-demand safety consultants and flexible service agreements allow you to pick and choose from our team’s breadth and depth of health, safety, emergency and human factors capabilities.
On-Demand Safety Consultants

Safety Climate Surveys
When it comes to measuring your safety climate, meaningful insights and practical solutions are fundamental. Our industrial psychology and WHS experts can create and validate a customised safety climate survey for your organisation. Whether you’re after a snapshot, an industry benchmark, or you want to track your evolving culture, we can drill down into quantitative data to provide clear reports and recommendations.
Safety Climate Surveys

Safety Strategy
From SWOTs to SMART goals, long term visions to one-year goals, our consultants will guide and support your company’s safety strategy. Our strategic consultants, safety templates and proven framework will smooth the path, providing the stepping stones that make ongoing safety success inevitable.

Tender Support
Our safety tender expertise and resources enable us to hit the ground running and meet even the tightest deadlines. Our experienced team will take care of it all, ensuring you meet each tender’s requirements. If you can’t, we’ll help you get the right capability and process in place, so that you’ll satisfy your client’s safety compliance criteria without making WHS promises you can’t keep.