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Digital Safety Training
Turn our WHS and digital expertise to your health and safety advantage.

Interactive WHS e-learning. Unforgettable WHS video stories. Engaging training podcasts that bring the WHS conversation to your people. With our digital smarts, the only limit is your imagination.

Custom and Off-the-Shelf WHS e-Learning

Engaging WHS training is just a click away with our e-Learning team. Read about our ready-to-go WHS e-Learning and training resources, created by our WHS and e-Learning specialists. Or take engagement and upskilling to a new level by adding interactivity and gamification to custom e-Learning campaigns and learning management systems (LMS).
WHS e-learning

Workplace Health and Safety Videos

You know those awful corporate training videos. The ones that make people cringe or, worse, fall asleep. Well, don’t do that. Instead, tell a compelling WHS story that’s memorable for all the right reasons. Engage our WHS and filmmaking experts to bring your WHS systems, procedures and best practice to life with cinematic flair (and without an epic budget).
WHS training videos

Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) WHS Training

Enter a virtual world that can transform workplace health and safety in the real world. Enable your people to explore work sites, run through drills, visit remote communities and experience emergency scenarios. From the safety of your office. In any location. On any device. Make the WHS challenge – and solutions – real for your workforce.
VR training

WHS Training Podcasts

Get the workplace health and safety conversation going with your own suite of WHS training podcasts, designed for your business and people. Make your WHS systems easier to understand. Make the most technical WHS information and instruction feel like a chat with a friend. Talk to our podcast production team.
WHS training podcasts

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