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Occupational Hygiene
Ignore occupational hygiene factors at your peril.

Some workplace health risks and hazards are harder to monitor and manage than others. Our occupational hygiene (OH) monitoring specialists will help ensure you don’t get caught out. Ever.

Why our OH technicians are good for business

Dust. Fumes. Radiation. Vibration. Noise. Equipment. Work spaces. Social factors. The list of workplace health risks and hazards goes on, and many are easy to overlook – until they affect the health or wellbeing of your people or community. Accredited OH technicians can also be hard to find, especially ones with experience in your field, but we’ve got you covered.

The art and science of monitoring occupational hygiene

Our OH technicians identify and monitor risks and hazards in all their forms by applying the science of workplace engineering. If your workplace meets the required standards, great. If not, our technicians are there to assist. Either way, we can help you develop a plan to keep you on track and master the art of communicating best practice to your people.

How do we categorise risks and hazards?

OH risks and hazards fall into one of five categories:

  • Biological
  • Chemical
  • Physical
  • Ergonomic
  • Psychosocial

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