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WHS Compliance Services for the Work Health and Safety Act WA

Get on the front foot with WHS compliance to protect your people, your company and yourself. 

Whatever your WHS compliance concern, we’ve got you covered.

WHS compliance can be confusing and time consuming. Our safety consultants know the WA WHS Act inside out, and have extensive experience in multiple industries. Through a comprehensive WHS compliance audit, they’ll identify your risks, guide you through the regulations and cut out the jargon. 

Principal Mining Hazard Management Plans

From small gold mines to global iron ore companies, principal mining hazard management plans (PMHMP) are a requirement for all WA mines under the WHS Act 2020. Every mine site has its own unique risks, and your PMHMP must reflect this – in other words, PMHMP templates are a bad idea. We have PMHMP specialists who write these management plans day in-day out. If you’d like them to assist with yours, give us a call today.

PMH Management Plans

Psychosocial Risk Management

Psychosocial risks aren’t easy to spot. If you want to manage the psychosocial risks in your workplace, we have a number of services that will increase engagement and productivity and decrease staff absenteeism and turnover – from risk assessments and evidence-based climate surveys to training. 


Psychosocial Risk

Mine Safety Management System

Under WA’s WHS Act 2020, it’s mandatory for mine sites to have a MSMS in place. Allow our WHS compliance consultants to map your current SMS to a comprehensive MSMS, or start afresh with a succinct system complete with clear references. Gain peace of mind knowing that your site is compliant, and your MSMS is clear enough that anyone can read it and know exactly what they need to do.


Mine Safety Management System

WHS Due Diligence Package

Short on time or have limited resources? Our WHS due diligence package will ensure you stay on the right path with system development, assurance activities, and reporting. Plus it lives on a digital WHS portal, so you can access your info anytime.


Due Diligence Package

WHS Compliance Courses

Epigroup has released three online courses to explain WA’s WHS Act 2020. Each course is written by highly acclaimed WHS lawyer, Greg Smith, and brought to life by our multimedia team and WHS experts. They’re quick, affordable, can be completed anywhere, anytime.  

Once you’ve finished a course, you’ll receive a certificate of completion. The courses break down the jargon and covers the key legislation changes, penalties and personal liability for employers and employees. 

WA WHS Act Courses

Emergency Plans & Audits

This year, DEMIRS is also focusing on not having adequate emergency response capability, tailored to the specific risks at your sites. This means you need emergency management documentation at the ready, and must be able to physically demonstrate capability, capacity and available resources in case of emergency. 

If you need a hand getting this all ready, we can help with documentation review, auditing capability or you can hire our experienced emergency services professionals for short or long term placements.


Emergency Plans and Audits

Where do I start?

If you’ve got the WHS fundamentals in place, like a recent WHS compliance audit, risk assessment or safety management system, that’s great. If you don’t, explore our consulting services or contact us today to talk things through.

Safety Consulting Services

Free WHS Compliance Resources

Ready to Talk About WHS Compliance?

We understand that WHS compliance can feel overwhelming. Let Epigroup help you to navigate the complexities of the WHS Act WA with confidence. Get in touch to discuss where you are and where you want to be. 

Get in touch