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Safety Leadership Training
Feel empowered with the knowledge to drive a safer, more engaged workplace.

Our qualified professionals are waiting to fast-track you towards your safety leadership goals with our one-day customisable training program.

Your Fast-Track To Safety Leadership

Unlock positive change, improve efficiencies, and foster a culture of safety excellence with our safety leadership training. This in-depth one-day training program has been designed for managers and supervisors, and is tailored to address your workplace’s specific needs and challenges.

Written by Organisational Psychology Experts

Our team of registered psychologists and specialist organisational development consultants have written and developed numerous modules that cover essential aspects of safety leadership, but also elements aligned with the latest research in safety leadership science. These modules help participants develop the necessary skills to effectively manage and reduce risks, and to gain a deeper understanding of their roles in promoting WHS. Our offerings are highly customisable to incorporate the learning outcomes that best fit your organisation’s safety leadership goals and objectives. We can even incorporate VR to give a fully immersive, unforgettable experience.

Learning Outcomes:

Improved Safety Culture
Enhanced Decision-Making
VR company production - whs projects
Stronger Communication Skills
VR company production - whs projects
Proactive Risk Management
Organisational Resilience
Employee Empowerment

Safety Leadership Training Program Structure

1. Introductory Module and Leadership Fundamentals:

    • Understand the importance of a leaders’ role in safety and the transformational and transactional leadership styles in WHS.
    • Gain a basic understanding of safety climate and its usefulness in managing WHS risk.
    • Understand health and safety legislation and adopt a proactive mindset for compliance.

2. Psychology of Decision Making and the Impact on Health and Safety:

    • Learn the psychology and neuroscience behind human decision making, and how to build empathy with others.
    • Understand different types of bias and their impact on decision making and health and safety outcomes.
    • Identify and challenge beliefs at the individual, team, organisation, and societal levels and their impact on health and safety.

3. Effective Communication, Reward Systems, and Risk Assessment:

    • Learn effective listening, feedback, and communication techniques, and understand the implications of ineffective communication.
    • Design and implement effective reward systems for health and safety achievements.
    • Develop an understanding of causality, non-linear models of risk, and the impact of uncertainty, plus the concept of critical risk management.

4. Building Organisational Capacity, Psychological Safety, and Learning Cultures:

    • Foster organisational capacity for hazard vigilance, accountability, and monitoring of high-risk activities.
    • Understand the importance of psychological safety and create a safe culture for voicing concerns.
    • Explore tools and techniques for developing learning cultures and maintaining effective risk management principles.

5. Inspiring and Empowering Others, Storytelling, and Personal Vision for Health and Safety:

    • Learn to inspire and empower others, cultivating a growth mindset within the team.
    • Understand the importance of storytelling for behavioural change and create impactful stories.
    • Develop a personal, values-based vision for health and safety and create actionable steps for improvement.

Safety Management vs Safety Leadership – What’s the Difference? [Infographic]

For an organisation to be truly successful in WHS, safety must be everyone’s responsibility, not just the safety manager’s.

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