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e-Learning Production

5 Multimedia Learning Trends to Boost Employee Engagement

5 Multimedia Learning Trends to Boost Employee Engagement

The dull days of learning are over. When it comes to engaging employees, cheesy stock photos steering learners through lengthly PowerPoints no longer cut it.   Over the past few years, multimedia learning trends have been popping up in the training room. With...
The e-Learning Development Process – 6 Steps to Follow

The e-Learning Development Process – 6 Steps to Follow

With so many moving parts, e-Learning projects are complex. A lack of clarity in the early phases, or breakdown in the process along the way could cause a project to unravel. But if you follow a proven and documented e-Learning development process, everyone involved...
e-Learning ROI: 5 Ways to Measure your Program’s Effectiveness

e-Learning ROI: 5 Ways to Measure your Program’s Effectiveness

You devote all these resources to your e-Learning program, so you want to know if it’s working, right? Measuring your e-Learning return on investment (ROI) is one way of justifying the decision, and for improving performance in the future. But how do you measure the...
The Secret to Engaging e-Learning Content

The Secret to Engaging e-Learning Content

Pssst. Want to know the secret to engaging e-Learning content? The key to unlocking a captivated audience is strong storytelling. Stories have the power to transport our mind to an imaginary world, tug at our heartstrings and engage us to take action. We all have a...
3 Examples of Gamification in e-Learning You Have to See

3 Examples of Gamification in e-Learning You Have to See

Gamification in e-Learning is a popular topic right now, but why does it matter? The simple reason is this – our attention spans are becoming shorter. According to a Microsoft report, our 12-second attention span in 2000 was depleted to just eight seconds by...