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Some businesses have an about us page to share the unique experience, values and capabilities they offer their customers. Others are cranking it up a notch, and turning the company’s about us page into an about us video.

What is an ‘about us’ video?

Also known as company culture videos, ‘about us’ videos are a powerful way to show potential customers or investors what your business does using the faces and voices behind it.

This humanising experience is especially appealing to service based businesses, as the focus is on the people who deliver that service.

You can tell your audience about your organisation, while showing them what employees do in the background. Or let different people from different areas of the business talk about what they do and how they help your customers.

The more prospects that understand and like your business, the more likely they are to buy from you.

Sure, you can include photos on your website or presentation, but pictures can’t always tell a story about your brand as well as video. The footage can give your viewers a ‘behind the scenes’ look at your organisation that couldn’t be made available through any other medium.

RELATED: How to Write a Script For a Video – 6 Expert Tips

What are the benefits of an about us video?

Videos are a great way to keep visitors on your website for longer, making information easier to digest, and creating a more memorable experience than long-form (and often boring) copy.

The best about us videos are good at making people like the organisation, but there are heaps of other benefits including:

Brings in the CVs

It’s not just customers you want to attract. There is a lot of value in showing potential employees that your organisation is a great place to work. After reading a job ad, many applicants will head to a company’s website and look at the about page for more info. If they see a video of employees genuinely enjoying their work in a modern (read: dog friendly) environment doing worthwhile work, they’re more likely to apply.

It’s likely more prospects will see your job ads too. According to UK employment site CareerBuilder, job postings with video icons are viewed 12% more than posts without a video. As a result, their clients receive 34% more applications when they include a video.

Shows the organisation’s values

Prospects can get to know an organisation quickly by learning about its values. An about us video can easily demonstrate what those values are and how the organisation lives by them. Having aligned values can be another reason why a prospect decides to hit that ‘contact’ button.

Gets employees involved

When you’re creating a video, you can get the team involved for a more authentic feel. With written words, only one or two staff at best get to have their say, but more staff can have their time to shine on film. If your organisation only has half a dozen employees, everyone can have a speaking part – as long as they’re confident on camera. However, if you’re part of a large organisation, some staff can play the role of extras in the background.

Makes your company relatable

Video has the solid advantage of adding humour to a brand (especially when outtakes are included). Appropriate and on brand humour can show that your business doesn’t take itself too seriously, and can make it far more relatable.

Case Study: Geraldton Fishermen’s Cooperative ‘About Us’ Video.

How to make an about us video

Once you’re set on making an about us video, decide how you want the viewer to feel after seeing it.

Do you want them to be impressed by your organisation’s culture? Admire your support of the local community? Be blown away by your super innovative products?

Choose the most important one and make sure the video reflects it during every stage of the process:

1. Set objectives for the video

2. Identify your ideal audience and speak directly to them

3. Decide what your main message will be

4. Develop a storyline

5. Prepare script & a storyboard

6. Capture the gold

7. Complete post-production editing

8. Release it into the world

9. Measure its success

RELATED: 7 Corporate Video Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

If you need help creating your about us video, or have more questions, we’d love to hear from you.