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Electricity, Gas and Water Services
Close the WHS knowledge gap for your remote workforce

High-risk environments. High-profile utilities. High-pressure WHS. Allow our team to make raising your health and safety game easier and less stressful.

In the field. In the public eye. Stay on the WHS ball

With geographically dispersed workers operating in high-risk environments, often in remote locations, things can easily go wrong for utility providers. And when they do, people tend to notice. It means you need to think innovatively about WHS solutions. And that happens to be our specialty.

Utilities health and safety consultants

All your WHS bases. One team

Health and safety in utilities is as much about connecting and engaging your people as it is developing the right systems and supports. Our consultants can help you do both. From risk audits and inspections to WHS, injury and document management systems, all with your people – and those critical human and psychological factors – in mind.

Consulting Services

Utilities health and safety labour hire

Scale up your WHS team in a jiffy

When things go wrong in the utilities arena, they can escalate quickly. You can find yourself needing experienced health and safety boots on the ground in a hurry. And when you do, we can source and deploy the talent you need. Fast. Find out more about how you can tap into our resourcing and recruitment expertise and nationwide talent network.

Resourcing Options

Utilities health and safety training

Training everyone. Anywhere

Providing training can be problematic with so many people working in the field. Creating a cohesive WHS learning culture is even harder. But our health and safety training team develops innovative digital training solutions – from e-learning to video to virtual reality – that means distance is no longer a barrier to building WHS knowledge and best practice.

Training Solutions

Make our team yours

Tap into all the WHS know-
how within our team. We’ll
work as an extension of yours.

Distance isn’t an issue.

Big distances? No problem. We
often work with large, remote
workforces. Find out how.

Improve continuously.

WHS innovation saves lives.
And reputations. Let’s see how
we can make things better.

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Are you a member of MBAWA? We’ve partnered with them to offer you exclusive member benefits.

Get in touch to learn more.

Talk to our health and safety experts.

Find out how we can help you go beyond compliance and nurture a culture of continuous WHS learning. Ask us about our custom training solutions and how we can help you connect with workers in the field.

Get in touch